Happy Earth Week

Happy Earth Week fellow earthlings!

I hope this first day of Earth Week finds you in good health. Although times are still weird and we physically come can’t together to celebrate Mama Earth this week, we can still celebrate at a distance and through the interweb. Tune in here for some fun, easy, and family-friendly earth week activities which can take place from the comfort of your own home or backyard!

Before sharing the first activity, I would like to acknowledge that we are all guests on Native peoples land and it is important we always remember that and honor it. Long before white colonial settlement, Native communities lived and thrived in profound, complex, and interdependent relationships with the land, water, and wildlife throughout this country. Native peoples are still here today and still deeply connected to this land. Today and every day, we honor the Native peoples of past, present and future who have stewarded this land throughout generations.


I would also like to recognize that it is a privilege to experience nature and not everyone has this privilege. Throughout U.S. history, people of color and many other minorities have been underrepresented or intentionally excluded from the outdoors. There are many barriers to getting outside, such as transportation, gear, skill-learning, as well as psychological barriers too. The “Great Outdoors” has been dominated by white privilege from the very beginning of this nation. Luckily, it is changing for the better (more on this another time).


Activity #1: Every time when in nature I think to myself, “we are beyond lucky to live on this planet and share a home with so many different plants, animals, and landscapes”. It’s hard to pick a favorite place because every part of nature is awe-inspiring to me. But there are a few places that feel like home and they hold special spaces in my heart (photos below) 

So I’d like to ask you: What is your favorite place in nature? Is it somewhere in the mountains or the desert? Is it a tidepool or a really big tree? Is it a park or community garden? Why is that place your favorite?


I encourage you to sit and think about this. Maybe journal about it outside, talk about it with the people in your household, or call up a friend on a walk and ask them about their favorite nature place. There is no pressure to share this activity, but if you do feel called to share, consider posting a photo or video of that special place and why it is special to you. Feel free to tag me in your post (@wovencurrents), I would love to see! 


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